Thursday, April 23, 2009

Glad I got that taken care of...

For the last few days I have been trying to take it all in and calm down. I had a moment on Saturday that purged a lot of the stress and burdens I’d been dealing with the last few months. So now I’m in that “exhausted-because-I-just-got-all-this-shit-off-my-chest” kind of phase. A great glass of wine and good night’s sleep will presumably do the trick but I have to wait for the weekend to do that. (I don’t want to mess it up by having to answer to an alarm clock.) But anyway….

Yesterday when I got home, it was time to do some cleaning. Generally, I keep a very neat and clean home. But recently, I had started slacking. I had laundry to put away, dishes that needed to be washed, mail that needed sorting, et al. As I was getting ready to vacuum, I picked up an envelope that was on the floor. And guess who it was student loan lender. It was an invoice and I’d already missed my first payment. So immediately, I’m think “hold the hell up…this ain’t due for another few months.” I found the number to the lender and gave them a call. Of course there was no option to speak to an associate… just to pay. Umm so…I just kept pressing 0 until I got someone on the phone.

Now I’m for equality of all people and discrimination of none. I’m aware that other people need a paycheck just as much as I need one. But dagnabit....when it comes to matters of bills and student loans it is crucial that we both understand each other clearly over the phone. The associate had a heavy, heavy accent. All I know for sure is that I’m still under my grace period for one of my consolidated loans and that I’ll need to apply for a forbearance when its over, and that I have a forbearance for an additional loan that ends August 24, 2009…the day I start classes, at which point my student loans will automatically go back into deferment. How sweet is that?

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