Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I was pulled over by a police officer...

The Grad is on his way home Sunday night after doing laundry at his parents’ house. It is shortly after dusk when he makes his last turn to go down the road his apartment complex is on. He is talking to a friend and notices the infamous blue lights behind him. The Grad tells his friend he’ll call her back. He pulls over in the parking lot of Papa John’s and rolls down his window.

Officer: Good evening sir, may I see your license?
The Grad: Sure… (slightly frustrated)
(reaches for wallet to find license)
Officer: The reason I pulled you over is because your taillight is out.
The Grad: Oh it is? Well at least its not for a [speeding] ticket. (Gives officer license.)
Officer: No, no. We try not to give out tickets for taillights being out. You could have just replaced it and it could have gone out. Wiring get crossed up sometimes. Ms. Grad, I’ll be right back. (Walks over to police car and calls in license number.)

The Grad texts the friend he’d been on the phone with and thinks that the officer must have a lisp since he referred to him as “Ms.” He is slightly agitated and can hear the officer communicating with whomever it is that checks license numbers at the precinct. The officer begins approaching the Grad’s vehicle.

Officer: Here you go Mr.Grad. You’re all set to go. Try and get that taillight fixed as soon as possible.
The Grad: Alright. Thanks.
The Grad drives away and calls friend.
Friend: Hello?
The Grad: Ain’t this some bull…

The Grad and his friend talk about the incident. It's no big deal, but that's what they do anyway.

The End

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