Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Place...A New Place

I moved into a new apartment yesterday, and besides my body aching in places I'm only now discovering I love it. I feel different and much more content in the new place. I think some of it is due to being on the third floor; I feel much safer. The atmosphere is quieter, great views of the pool and golf course, best friend lives in the neighboring building. I'm happy here already. I'd been at my old apartment for almost three years and was beginning to feel stagnant. About three weeks ago I began shutting down mentally there. Laundry went unfolded, food was hanging out in the refrigerator that should have left the premises long ago, and I could feel the antsy anticipation begin to build up. I was ready to get out of there. All of that has since subsided now that I'm in the new place. I think what I like the most is now being able to use the washer and dryer my aunt gave to me a couple of years ago...which means my father, cousin, and I had to haul them both up three flights of stairs...not cute at all. Well, let me go pack up the last few items and clean the old apartment. I am so happy to be in the new place.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Busy week ahead of me...

Whew...I have a full serving of school work and an extra helping of "not enough time" on my plate this week...actually until next Wednesday. But nothing to it but to do it, right?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Though it would be nice to have it....

I want some masculine energy around me. And I'm not talking sexually. I, at this moment, would simply love to have a guy around. It something about that male presence that just puts me at ease. But oh well...its not happening.